

Good dental care is of the essence for your horse's well-being. Sharp teeth points can cause very painful cheek lesions at the level of the bit and the nose piece of the bridle. They can also hinder normal masticatory movements, leading to a decreased absorption of nutrients and even an increased risk of oesophageal obstruction or obstipation colics. Also, wolf teeth and dental hooks near the bit can be a nuisance both to the horse and the rider. 

For all these reasons it is important to have your horse's mouth checked by a vet at least once a year. Regular dental care also enables the vet to discover early stages of dental disease, like tooth fractures, infundibular necrosis or degenerative diseases such as EOTRH. An early treatment of these problems prevents them from developing into very painful conditions and saves the horse from a lot of suffering.


Not only adult sports horses require annual dental check-ups: young horses need to be checked for problems with shedding, and geriatric horses often need even more frequent dental care to prevent dental malformation caused by the increased mobility or even loss of teeth.